Hard Facilities Management

Including Property Management, Inspections, Plumbing & Gas and more. If you require any hard facilities management services, we can help you.

Looking for Hard FM Services?

Hard FM services are legally required for every business and the safety of employees, tenants and visitors. These services are attributed to the physical structure of the building and cannot be removed such as plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, fire safety systems, etc. 

As part of our range of commercial property maintenance services, we provide hard FM services to customers throughout the whole of the UK. Take a look at all of our hard FM services below.

We can help with creating barrier systems tailored to your needs and suited for your properties. Our barrier and gating solution means that your tenants can rest easy knowing they’re protected and not at any risk.

Staying on-top of your plumbing and gas and having ongoing planned maintenance will not only prevent issues within your buildings, but also keep your tenants safe and satisfied.

Our property management service aims to support the management and maintenance of your property. We offer a number of safety checks, tailored to your specific needs.

With over 20 years of experience inspecting properties, we know how important it is to go the extra mile . If you’re in need of an inventory service for an upcoming inspection, Dependable can help.