Seasonal Property Maintenance: How to ensure your properties are well maintained year-round

Making sure that you are on top of your property’s maintenance year round can feel daunting. It is important that your buildings are always aesthetically pleasing and in safe, optimal working order for your tenants, regardless of the weather outside. It’s important to note that you are not responsible for all of these tasks, tenants also have responsibility towards the property that they are renting.

It might be worth looking into a maintenance schedule to keep on top of any upkeep. Every season brings with it a different maintenance challenge, so making sure that you’re on top of your seasonal property maintenance is important to make it as easy as possible. So, let’s get into it.

What is seasonal property maintenance?

Seasonal property maintenance refers to a set of routine and specific maintenance tasks performed at different times of the year to ensure your property remains safe, comfortable and in good condition throughout changing seasons. These tasks are typically adjusted based on the unique needs and challenges presented by each season, such as weather conditions and temperature variations. 

Spring property maintenance

Spring cleaning is called spring cleaning for a reason. Spring is the ideal time of the year to have a real good clear out. You should use this time to inspect external elements for any damage that could have been caused during the winter. For example, the roof and chimney should be checked to ensure there is no damage, moss growth or broken tiles; guttering should be cleared of leaves and debris to prevent any rain-related issues; external paintwork should be monitored and touched up if necessary; and any landscape issues, such as moss build-up on the decking, damaged fences and overhanging plants should be taken care of.

Inside the property, spring is the perfect time to check for any damp or mould caused by the cooler months; pull furniture away from walls and open windows to ventilate the rooms and prevent moisture in the air; check internal pipes for any leaks and inspect the loft to insure that any broken roof tiles haven’t caused internal issues. 

Summer property maintenance

The summer is (supposedly) the warmest time of the year, so it is ideal to tackle any outside jobs that need doing. Staining fences, jet washing the patio and maintaining the grounds are all good jobs to get ticked off before the weather cools down and the rain gets more frequent again. You should also inspect the grounds for any signs of rodents.

Inside, ensure any air conditioning units are serviced and inspect the loft for signs of any pests. Wasp nests are common in the summer period!

It is also an ideal time for yourself or your tenants to get the boiler serviced, to ensure that it is in proper working order before the winter months.

Autumn property maintenance 

Autumn brings about the time to, once again, check and clean the gutters as the fallen leaves and debris will clog them up. Make sure you also check your roof for any broken or missing tiles again as all necessary repairs will need to be completed before winter. 

Inside, have the chimney swept so that it is ready for your tenants to start using the fireplace during winter. You should also check if any doors or windows need caulking and make sure that there are no draughts coming in.

Winter property maintenance

Winter is the most demanding season in terms of property maintenance, encompassing tasks ranging from significant repairs to minor adjustments. As a landlord, you need to ensure that your property is safe to be lived in throughout the winter months. Outside, checks need to be undertaken for any cracks in exterior walls that could be made worse by ice, and any storm damage to trees and fences need to be inspected to make sure they aren’t damaging the property.

During particularly cold weather, car parks or shared outdoor spaces also need to be gritted to ensure the safety of your tenants after a frost or period of snow.

Inside, your tenants need to be on top of getting rid of any condensation that could lead to damp, and making sure that they are using extractor fans or opening windows to prevent a build up of moisture in the bathroom or kitchen.

Both external and internal pipes also need to be checked to ensure they haven’t frozen. 

How Dependable can help

At Dependable, we provide a range of different property maintenance services to ensure that your residential and commercial sites are well maintained year round. 

Speak to us today about our range of hard and soft facilities management services, and preparing your outside spaces to work for you and your tenants, regardless of the temperature.